Qualification "Hairdresser"
1. Qualification "HAIRDRESSER" (640 ac.hrs) - group tuition 12 months + residence permit (study visa) forming
2. "TECHNOLOGIES OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S HAIRCUTS AND HAIR DYEING" - (260 acad.hrs) individual program for those, who would like to work in a Beauty Salon in EU
3. Qualification "HAIRDRESSER" (640 ac.hrs) - Individual Program. Provides rights to register and run Your Own Hair Salon in EU
Working tools/ instruments: You will have to have your own working instruments for this programme. All necessary information about the quality of the instruments, its sizes ets you receive from the trainer.
Practical classes: Your practical classes will take place in the learning hairdressing salon, where the school will assist you to have your own models for your trainings. You are welcome to invite your own models for your practical classes.
Type of learning: full-time, face to face or ONLINE, in groups.
The fee of forming of the state diploma: 15 EUR.
The fee of taking of the state qualification exam: 65 EUR (with a group), 250 EUR - individually
Cosmetics: We cooperate with KADUS Professional. You will have all necessary cosmetics provided.
Riga International Training Center provides Hairdressing tuition since 1999. Our students work in different coutries worldwide - Baltic states, Russia, United Kingdom, European Union.
1. International group "HAIRDRESSER" + Residence Permit ENG/LV/RU
We invite for astate accredited programme "Hairdresser".
License nr.P 16902. Accreditation nr. AP 5601
Documents: After the tuition you gain the EU accredited documents:
1. Accredited Diploma for qualification "Hairdresser" (640 ac.hrs), 2nd qualification level, with a statement of marks in all subjects, International Translation into ENG.
This diploma provides rights not only to work in Hair Salons in EU, but also to register and run YourOwn business in Hairdressing.
2. International Certificate "Keratin Hair Straightening Technologies"
3. International Certificate "Hair Extensions"
Tuition Form: Face to face / ONLINE
Qualification: After the program You have to pass the state qualification exam. After this exam You receive the documents for the program.
1) International Group (Eng /Lv/ (Ru) - 12 months
On Tuesdays 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
Tuition plan:
You have classes 1x a week. You have a professional practice in a beaty salon during approx 1,5 months where you work as an independent master, but under the supervising of a more experienced master. Then you have qualification exam in the end of the 12th month. After the exam you receive the qualification "Hairdresser" state accredited diploma together with an international certificates.
Programme fee: 150 EUR / per month
Please be advised: Our school can provide some support in finding a place for professional practice. We DO NOT GUARANTEE THE WORK after the end of the programme.
The License nr. - P 16902. Actual Accreditation - AP 5601.
Program: Intense individual tuition "TECHNOLOGIES OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S HAIRCUTS AND HAIR DYEING" - 160 acad.hrs.
Duration: 28 classes per 3 hrs (You can plan also 2 classes per day)
Language of tuition: ENGLISH
Cost: 2800EUR
1) State accredited diploma in the hairdressing vocational program "TECHNOLOGIES OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S HAIRCUTS AND HAIR DYEING" (160 hrs) with the statement of subject and marks. International translation into ENG.
These documents allow you to work in Hairdressing Salons in EU (client reception, client care, different hair treatments, accordingly to the program)
*BONUSS! Additionally you can attend seminars in Keratin Hair Technologies together with the group. If you would like to attend this seminar - please inform the adminsitration.
The License nr. - P 16902. Actual Accreditation - AP 5601.
Program: Individual program for qualification "HAIRDRESSER" (640 acad.hrs.)
1) 56 contact classes per 3-4 hrs (You can plan also 2 classes per day), you will have also individual hometasks for theoretical studies, and for some workouts of Techniques
2) Qualification Practice (4-6 weeks) in any EU Hairstyling Salon
3) Defence of Qualification Practice Statement
4) Qualification Exam
Language of tuition: ENGLISH
Cost: 5600 EUR
1) State accredited QUALIFICATION diploma "HAIRDRESSER" (640 hrs) with the statement of subjects, acad.hrs and marks. International translation into ENG. (Please advice administration if you need Apostille on documents -200 Eur)
These documents allow you REGISTER YOUR OWN BUSINESS in hairdressing and work in other salons in EU, and other countries.
Frizieru piederumu komplekts
Frizieru šķēres - C-CUT Ultorn (izmērs 5.5) ar ieliktņiem pirkstu komfortam labajai vai kreisajai rokai
Filieršķēres - C-Cut Ultron (izmērs 5.5) ar ieliktņiem pirkstu komfortam labajai vai kreisajai rokai
Ķemme matu griezumiem
Ķemme matu griezumiem ar metālisko kātiņu
Ķemme matu griezumiem
Ķemme matu griezumiem
Ķemme matu griezumiem
Ķemme matu griezumiem
Ķemme matu griezumiem
Apaļo brašingu komplekts (4 brašingi dažādos diametros)
Matu klipšu komplekts (6 gab.)
Matu klipšu komplekts (12 gab.)
Klasiskā otiņa ar dabīgiem sariem
Meistara peņuārs ar apmetni zeltīti brūnā krāsā
Melni lateksa cimdi meistaram
Manekena galva ar cilvēka dabīgajiem matiem, 40 cm
Dezinfekcijas līdzeklis uz spirta bāzes (63%)