EU State accredited Qualification Program "SPA Specialist"

We offer to gain Latvian and Pan European accredited qualification "SPA Specialist". This qualification will allow to work and to run Your Own Business in all the Europe and other coutries.
License Nr.- P 16902. Accreditation Nr. AP-6464.
1) Individual program "SPA SPECIALIST" (2 parts)
2) Group tuition "SPA Specialist" - 24 months (Residence Permit)
-- International group (2 years) ENG. Without previous knowledge
From June 2024 till June 2026
With valid residence permit
On Saturdays 10:00-16:00
1) Individual Program: Qualification "SPA SPECIALIST"
Educational process: We can offer to combine ONLINE lectures with face to face lectures. So partly you can acquire your program from your home place.
Dates: You will have your individual schedule. We take into account your personal available dates.
Models and working tools: All cosmetics and working tools get provided for you at School
1 part Individual Program duration:
1) 78 classes per 3 hrs (4.5 acad.hrs) + independent Theoretical Studies with tests + your hometasks for workout of Techniques.
2) 5-6 weeks of Qualification Practice in any EU Salon
3) Defense of Your Qualification Practice Statement
Fee: Qualification Examination (250 Eur)
Program fee: 6900 EUR
- Sanitation, hygiene, 1st Aid Basics
- Labor protection and safety requirements;
- Material Sciense;
- Anatomy, physiology, basics of general pathology;
- Indications and contraindications for SPA treatments and massages;
- Holistic massage (Classical or Swedish) with classical massage techniques for full body : back, legs, arms, abdomen, décolleté area, head, face;
- Ergonomics of SPA master;
- Observance of the SPA concept in the SPA salon, how to develop the SPA concept of your salon;
- Professional Conduct, Client Care, Client Consultation;
- Determination of skin type and condition;
- Selection of appropriate cosmetics for the SPA procedure, according to the client's needs;
- Skin preparation for SPA treatments: body and facial treatments;
- SPA treatments with peeling or scrubbing;
- Aromatherapy;
- Facial and décolleté lymphatic drainage massage;
- Full body lymphatic drainage massage;
- Peculiarities of the approach of Ayurvedic treatments and difference from Western traditional approach;
- Holistic pulsing, the role of vibration in body relaxation;
- Head massages: classical technique, Champi technique;
- Wrapping procedures for different parts of the body: honey and chocolate (use of natural products and cosmetics, algae, mud). Combining of the treatments with other SPA treatments. Ritual creation and calculation ;
- Hot stone massage;
- Other treatments with thermal affect: "Cryo massage": meaning, functions, indications
- "SPA Time Out" massage;
- "Fitness" or "Sports" massage;
- "Anti-cellulite" massage and treatments: appropriate cosmetics, treatment of problem areas, combination with other SPA procedures to achieve the effect;
- Foot massages with reflexogenic point massage. Basics of reflexology
- Thai foot massage;
- Thai full body massage: techniques on the tatami and on the couch;
- Execution of mask reatments: plasticizing masks, natural, thermal masks, plaster masks, mineral masks, clay masks. What masks to use for the appropriate purpose in each part of the body;
- Pindu massage (Herbal bag massage);
- Classical Device technologies in SPA treatments, their indications and contraindications: Vaporization, Ultrasound, Brosage, Vapazon, Electroplating, Ionophoresis, Electrophoresis, Darsonvalization
- Vacuum treatments for body: Manual Techniuques
During your contact hours you will have many practical workout with models.
Qualification: EU international accredited diploma "SPA Speciālists" (960 ac.hours) (3.qualification level)
Documents: After sucessful acquiring of the program You receive:
1) accredited state qualification diploma "SPA Specialist" with an international translation into English and with the Statement of Marks in all the subjects and Units.
Documents provide rights to work and run your ouwn business in EU countries, incl.Germany.
2) International certificates of all SPA treatments ENG:
- "Holistic Massage (Swedish Massage) for full body, head, face"
- "Lymphatic drainage for a full body and face"
- "Anti-cellulite massage"
- "Sports" or "Fitness massage"
- "Express" or "SPA Time Out" massage
- "Hot stone massage"
- "SPA wrapping treatments: Chocolate, honey, mud, algae"
- "Peeling and scrub treatments for body and face"
- "Mask treatments for body and face"
- "Champi Head massage"
- "Thai Massage Basics: Feet, Body"
- "Holistic Pulsing"
- "Aromatherapy"
- "Vacuum treatments for body: Manual Techniques"
- "Classical Device technologies in SPA treatments: Ultrasound, Electroplating, Ionophoresis, Electrophoresis, Darsonvalization"
- "Pindu (Herbal Bag) Massage"
Minimum requirements for previous education: Secondary education