Microblading (or eyebrow embroidery) is a relatively new, manual method. It is considered to be semi-permanent, as compared to the traditional hairstroke technique. It is done using a very fine blade to deposit pigments into the epidermis. Because we’re impacting color closer to the surface, the strokes appear crisp and very fine. There is no “spilling” under the skin. This method is ideal for anyone wanting to enhance the look of their eyebrows. The results are natural looking, hair-like strokes, regardless of the amount of hair present.
Microblading (Semi Permanent, Microstroking or Eyebrow Embroidery) Seminar in Micropigmentation for people without grounding in micropigmentation
Microblading for starters
Duration: 3 classes per approx 3 hours
1st and 2nd classes - Theory and workout with artificial materials
3rd class - practical workout with a model
Fee: 510 EUR (you invite your model)
Fee: 554 EUR (the school invites a model for you)
Materials: all included into your program. GIFT: a microblading pen
The program is worked out for the students with no previous knowledge in micropigmentation. You will practically learn to prepare your working place, to use anesthesia before and during the treatment, you learn to offer the correct shape and color of the eyebrows to your client, indications and contraindications for the treatment, you practically execute the micropigmentation technique both on artificial skin and on the client.
Microblading for masters
For participation in this program you need grounding in micropigmentation
Duration: 1 Day ~6 hours
Fee: 399 EUR (you invite your personal model)
Fee: 424 EUR (the school invites a model for you)
After the seminar you receive microblading complect into your disposal.
After the program you receve the international certificate in English "Microblading"