Skolas darbība COVID-19 apstākļos

During the COVID-19 emergency situation, RiS School  is acting in accordance with the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 360 of 09.06.2020 "Epidemiological safety measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 infection". Also, all current restrictions and regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers regarding customer service in training hairdressers, training center administration and other issues related to the operation of the training center are observed.

Persons who have to implement self-isolation, home quarantine or isolation, or persons with signs of respiratory infection should not be allowed on the premises of the training center.

You can be indoors only with face masks and within a distance of 2 meters. Please wash and disinfect your hands frequently.

Until the end of the emergency, the administration of the training center will work only after the previous appointment. You can sign up either by phone  T.29724355 or by e-mail

Implemention of Training programs: Training can take place by combining Face-to-face  and ONLINE classes, based on the current epidemiological situation in the country.

Please inquire about each program you are interested in.